the web version
Along the Lines lecture/performance, Body IQ, Berlin, 2019
Photo: Susan Sentler
Web version of Along the Lines
We envision the web version as analogous to the experience of being physically present in space and time, giving you, the visitor similar possibilities of following both predetermined routes through the material, as well as journeys determined by your own interests. Although the information on this website is placed into groupings that have relationships to each other, the linear arrangement of these groupings does not reflect the multi-directional nature of the connections that are at the core of the way these relationships exist in reality. The availability of non-linear, radial movement invites you to explore the history and multilayered-ness of our work, and locate it within multidirectional connections that span time and space, countries and cultures. You will be able to access many aims, concepts, principles and work methods that constitute the foundations of this experimental and revolutionary form of dance.
Using this web version in a way that reveals the rhizomatic nature of the work we’re involved in will give you the opportunity to visualize how knowledge and skills are transmitted between generations of individual teachers and colleagues, and among various methods and schools. It can open a window into both past and present and therefore give a glimpse into potential further evolutions of this work.
How to navigate this website
If, so far, you have been following our logic, and haven’t yet been drifting among the possible choices we present, we invite you to ‘wander’ through the landscape of words, concepts, articles, images, mind-maps and links, following your own interests and curiosities. In this way, we hope to offer each of you the opportunity to make your own choices and create your own unique journey each time you enter our world.
The optimal way to view the information is using a laptop or a desktop screen. When viewed on a phone or tablet the information will arrange itself into one column and become a linear progression of ideas.
We provide links to websites of individual artists and various techniques we mention, articles that are available online, and videos that can be freely accessed on YouTube and Vimeo.
Some articles and our mapping of various people and concepts are downloadable in pdf format.

Along the Lines lecture/performance, Body IQ, Berlin, 2019
Photo: Susan Sentler