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Why do we call ourselves artists?

On being a dance artist


Since my childhood, my physical body, the joy of moving and sensing especially through kinanesthesia and touch were the main channels that rooted me in myself and allowed me to discover the world I was part of. I became a dance artist because I love making things and I love making things with my body.


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Our humanness

The recognition and appreciation of our humanness gives us the sensitivity to be able to reflect on the ways in which we interact with the world around us. We can aim to act with respect and consideration towards animate and inanimate, and our inner and outer environments and carry this sensibility into our artistic practice.

Human: relating to or characteristic of people or human beings; of or characteristic of people's better qualities, such as kindness or sensitivity.

Sentient: able to perceive or feel things; sentience is the capacity to experience feelings and sensations.


Sensing, Feeling, and Action - Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen

Sensation plays a big role in the way we work, bringing us into the present moment.


“Readily accessible, sensory awareness is the ‘felt’ and intimate dimension of experience (Gendlin 1999). Bringing sensory awareness to consciousness renders the implicit explicit.” 


Somatic Practice of Intentional Rest – Glenna Batson

“Tools for finding freedom, rigor & specificity of movement that’s as unique and multi-layered as our individual life experience.”

Stephanie Skura, Open Source Forms

The Art of Listening


“The most potent act of creativity is spontaneous conversation – the art of listening and responding, interacting, taking in environmental factors unconsciously but with precision, modifying what we do as a result of what we see and hear, touch and make, a multidimensional feedback.”


The Art of Is  – Introduction Stephen Nachmanovitch  

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